30 December 2010

Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is. ~Maxim Gorky

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it. ~William Feather

Year 2010 is coming to an end! So far, I still couldn't really make up my mind whether have it been a great or bad year for me. Alot of changes have been made this year and I'm still trying to adapt to it.

Things I did for this year, 2010
1- Enjoyed the life of single hood

I do enjoy the life of being single. I could meet up with all my friends, stayed up late at their places, alot more things you could do etc. And when you are single, you could spend alot of your time thinking...

Life is so contradicting; when you don have that things, you hope you could get it but when you get it, you don treasure it!

2- Travelled to Taiwan, Bali and BKK (2 times)

Thats' my favourite past time! Travel around countries, taking a short break from SG and Im gonna start planning again on places that I wanna go next year :D

3- Pickup online casino games from Mr Liang

Thinking back, it was a wrong move to have gotten that account but somehow it have helped me to pass my time when Im bored. I lost count on the monies which I have lost. LOL. Thanks god, I managed to quit it recently

4- Change of job from being in sales line (K.A Building) to a Secretary (Ella Chong) to a unemployed person

Its really a drastic move. From being a sales person, I "own" a car to being car-less and gotta be struck in office for a long 8 hours straight till now, being a unemployed person. Im thankful for the break Im having now but Im also thinking of getting back a job soon.. See how lah!

5- Witnessed my friends broke up and gotten attached

I do not like what I heard when I came to know about my friends broke up. Heartbreaking news. They were the perfect couples that I think good of! 人算不如天算... I sincerely hope all of them are happy with their current life now! May all bad things be shun away from them.

Thanks god there are also happy events that happened in this year

Jessie and Ong gotten marry, Xin gotten attached with Rufus, Allan and his wife got marry etc..

6- When one door closed, another open

I do not regret things I did or said in the earlier part of this year. I really meant it and wants to do it but a pity I didnt get to do it. What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? But in life, certain things arent just meant to be yours, so live with it man! Learning to forget, put off and move on.

Tml there will be gathering with my pals. Somehow Im pretty anxious to have a gathering with them but a part of me, doesnt seems that excited to go. Idiotic feelings Im having! Duh!!

Im totally in love with this song

Its a old yet new lyrics song.. I never used to listen to Aaron Kwok's song until more than 1/2 decade ago, somebody sang the older version and another song to me. Somehow or rather, that few songs have become my fav songs all these while. Those songs never fail to make me feel at ease and reminisce about the past.

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