29 July 2009

My 1st Poll

My 1st Poll.. Please vote

I went out with MK last night to ECP. That guy had actually wanted to meet me at ECP but after much persistent pestering to him, he came over to pick me up in his bike. Why I said I pester him bcos initially he doesn’t want to ferry me as he said ride bike very dangerous.
I had long lost count of the time when I hasn’t sat bike. Probably 7 years or even more! The last bike I sat on was Andy. He used to be on a good terms with me but donno since when we have already lost contact.

Had our dinner at MAC and we settled down in benches facing the beach. Had a heart to hear t chat with him. Sounds romantic right? No, don be mistaken. MK and me are just very good friends.
Den something unexpected happened just like that... 2 Malay guys came over to approach me and MK. They asked if we are Singaporean and said they are from NEA, asked us to show them our ID. They said they have been watching us and we have been littering and they need to issue us a fine! Damnz it lor. Total damage $300 per pax.
MK really make me burst out into laughter when the authority asked for our ID, instead of pleading with them to waive off the charges, his only question to them is: we don have to do CWO right?

This is my 2nd time getting fined for all this shit. So suay lor. Total damages for this July is $1K+ dollars lor. I could have bought a branded bag with all this monies -_-"

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