09 July 2007

Can humans really be trust?
I mean I do try to trust but definitely not 100%
I admit. I build thin walls; to protect myself!

People always talks abt the magical word, L.O.V.E
Does forever love exist?
In the past, maybe. But in this era, I doubt so.
Couples who stay long together, isit more of "xi guan" or "xi huan"?

Men/women always say: I cant live w/o you. I love you.
But after breaking up, he or she will still continue to live peacefully/happily.
Then for fu*k say that in the 1st plc?
Im not being a pessmist here but that's a fact isnt it?

Ofcos I know wad does it mean by loving a person, you will wanna own him/her. But steph is happy being the present her. Pls understand that she is still young! But not immature ok =)

Pls don pressurised me. Things might just backfire. I knows who are the ones who care for me or who are the ones I care for..
I may hack care abt a lot of things but I am not cold-blooded. Just that I try not to show it out. For my ego or for fear that I might be the one who get hurts eventually?

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