Walked past here... This place bring back alot of memories..

People who have been thru year 2002 - 2004 with me should know where this is. I never tot that I will meet nice people there but I was wrong. I met most of my good friends now at this place =)
People who gave me opportunity to get day job, people who let me know whats love is.. Back at those day, don really have to think so much yet there was so much happiness compared to now.
I could still remb, there was once, I gotten dead drunk at there. Someone called at 2+am, knowingly, i was so drunk, took a cab down imm, just to send me home safely. Even thou we were only friend. Isnt it sweet? But too bad, we distanced, cant even get back to inital stage.
I could still remb, the very first time I met Ber and gang, Ber dropped his slippers inside cos he was being dragged out for being too drunk! Haa..
I could still remb, Steven told me: Never be the choosen, be e chooser.
Things have changed so much since then. Its good to be able to recall e past, but for wad? If its a sad ending? Pointless if im the only one who think back and not others.
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