a way of holding onto the things you love, the way you are, the things you never want to lose.
29 April 2012
No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you
Met up with Michie and her mum yesterday at Ion. It have been ages since I last catch up with them.
Had a great time out with them.
We went for some fortune telling at Chinatown and I had my reading done as well but I was pretty shocked with my result.
The fortune teller said, are you married?
Me: No, not yet but Im attached
Thereafter he said.. Soon you will be. I asked imm, your soon is how soon. He said maybe in a year or two. My reaction then was, WTH, are you sure? *Dumbstruck*
Although I do wanna get marry but I wasnt feeling exactly happy when I heard him saying so. Maybe there was still so many things I haven do before, maybe because some things shouldnt be rush into as we are still new in the rs, but if something is meant to happened, it will. Well, lets just wait and see how things develop ba.. Till den...
Well, he said that ron and I are compatible, he said 我旺他 which is rather good isnt it? =)
I ask about him but even the teller said, 都过了这么久了 but this isnt wad I wanna hear but maybe its fate lah, even he said so..
Michie was asking, if your BF proposed to you during your trip, what will you do?
I told her impossible cos although Ron did mentioned about marriage thingy but its not the right time yet so I don think he will do it during our trip.
Will you be happy after knowing/hearing this? Will you be happy or sad?
14 April 2012
Its not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it
Decided to go for a catch up session with Jiayi yesterday. Meet up at Reddot.. That 傻大姐, again let the cabby drop her somewhere inside Dempsey, and she walked down herself to our meet up place -_-" luckily our meeting was at 630pm, if not I have no ideas how she's gonna make her way down.
Can't imagine of the people who I run into even thou I was at Dempsey, such a ulu place..
Firstly, I met Fion.. She was at Long beach having dinner first, I guess she saw I check in FB, thus she jio her friends to chill there as well..
Thereafter I saw him.. At e very beginning I tot Liang was faking me cos i cracked
a joke on him awhile earlier.. Den suddenly Liang said "他讲他也在 Dempsey "
5 secs later "他讲他在 Reddot"
My reaction was, you think I'm so stupid to fall into yr tricks mah.. The next thing I saw was Liang pointing to him. I was like damnit! 有这么巧吗? I know it does not implement anything but at e same time I do think 难道这算是有缘吗?
He was there with his batch of Coll. From far, I could see that he's happy, enjoying himself in theirs companion. 这样也已经够好了. Some part in me, I do feel abit uneasy, especially when e moment Liang said 也只有一位配得了他了, maybe I also had a hunch that they both had likings towards one another even thou they wasn't seated side by side.
He look so different compared to the past, I guess thats what people say by "growing up". I still prefer e old him. Maybe he is still him to his friends, his coll, his family, but he is never the old him to me again :( I guess I hurted him way too much by breaking so many promises, I do hope he can forgive me but its an impossible thingy.
After awhile, we left.. I bypass theirs table, only bided a bye n didn't said anything else. Somehow I wish I/he could have e courage to 问候彼此. I totally don like the way we are now but theres' nothing I could do, nothing I could change.
10 April 2012
You’re nothing more than a memory, that I haven’t learned how to forget yet
So many people are getting marry! This year, Ive already received so many red bombs! Haa..
Its opt to be a happy year, happy events!
Earlier today, I was out with BFFs at LOL.. I saw that my lil cousin, Ping, posted her happy event.. Her bf, Aaron proposed to her at Nasam Tower.. =) So happy for her loh.. May all love birds be happy together and ever! =)
But another side of me, felt kinda emo. I don deny that I will want and hope to get marry but at the same time I feel fear, worry.
可能是因为周围的人个个都快要结婚了吧?我不是怕我嫁不出去而是怕嫁错人, 做错的选择或不能全心全意的爱一个人. People says, look for someone who is more financially stable cos once you get marry, there will be alot of finances involve.. I do wonder, arent love suppose to last? R do dotes and loves me alot but something is still not so right.. Maybe bcos we are still quite new to the rs.. People tot that R n me have been together for more than 2 years+ or even more.. But we arent. Only a year +. Haa..
Ah yi said this to us (cousins): Always remb your happy moments and vows to keep marriage ongoing. For those who is still searching for the other one, be patient and don rush into it. As marriage is a journey not a destination.
I told Ben, Im not in a very good mood. Alot of things running through my head. I also told Ben about the marriage thingy. He told me, don get marry is the best. Bcos you never knows wad gonna happens. Ben is someone who I know will be there for me. Although I seldom meet him, he love to talk cock till some time I also cannot stand him but he is someone who will also do stupid acts to make people around him laugh. He is someone who can bears with my grumble and nv left me when I was at my lowest. At least, he nv promised and fail me before. Maybe bcos all along we maintained a good friendship.
Anyway, don think so much.. Let nature runs it own course ba =) 该来的总是会来的啦.
07 April 2012
You only live once, so do everything twice.
Isit really possible to do everything twice? To amend for the mistake you did before or do the things even better? Chances are not given so easily for you to do everything twice!
Walked past here... This place bring back alot of memories..

People who have been thru year 2002 - 2004 with me should know where this is. I never tot that I will meet nice people there but I was wrong. I met most of my good friends now at this place =)
People who gave me opportunity to get day job, people who let me know whats love is.. Back at those day, don really have to think so much yet there was so much happiness compared to now.
I could still remb, there was once, I gotten dead drunk at there. Someone called at 2+am, knowingly, i was so drunk, took a cab down imm, just to send me home safely. Even thou we were only friend. Isnt it sweet? But too bad, we distanced, cant even get back to inital stage.
I could still remb, the very first time I met Ber and gang, Ber dropped his slippers inside cos he was being dragged out for being too drunk! Haa..
I could still remb, Steven told me: Never be the choosen, be e chooser.
Things have changed so much since then. Its good to be able to recall e past, but for wad? If its a sad ending? Pointless if im the only one who think back and not others.
Walked past here... This place bring back alot of memories..

People who have been thru year 2002 - 2004 with me should know where this is. I never tot that I will meet nice people there but I was wrong. I met most of my good friends now at this place =)
People who gave me opportunity to get day job, people who let me know whats love is.. Back at those day, don really have to think so much yet there was so much happiness compared to now.
I could still remb, there was once, I gotten dead drunk at there. Someone called at 2+am, knowingly, i was so drunk, took a cab down imm, just to send me home safely. Even thou we were only friend. Isnt it sweet? But too bad, we distanced, cant even get back to inital stage.
I could still remb, the very first time I met Ber and gang, Ber dropped his slippers inside cos he was being dragged out for being too drunk! Haa..
I could still remb, Steven told me: Never be the choosen, be e chooser.
Things have changed so much since then. Its good to be able to recall e past, but for wad? If its a sad ending? Pointless if im the only one who think back and not others.
03 April 2012
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting
I met an old friend few days ago while queuing up for Koi with Angela at Illuma.. Someone whom I haven saw for close to 10 - 11 years! Was chatting with Angela when he came over to ask "Are you Stephanie?"
I gotten a shock and step a step backwards; trying to recall who he is and yes, I managed to recall after thinking/stoning for 10sec.. Haa!
I said some thing stupid..
He asked, "你现在在做什么?"
My reply: "oh, 在排队买 Koi loh"
Both he and Angela was shocked by my reply and burst out laughing.. I guessed thats e usual me, when I was shocked.. Exchanged number as per his request, couldn't find a way to reject him.. His name is Andy. He didn't contact me till today, which I tot/hope he nv will.. Haa..
We held a very friendly conversation till he asked, why that time we suddenly lost contact. But how e hell will I rmb as it was so many donkey years ago. Moreover back then, none of us have a HP! Den he said, he still remb where I stay and he did tried to find me for a year cos he missed me so much. I was like -_-", totally speechless..
He continued that he even waited for me downstairs my house for a few times but didnt managed to catch me! This time, I was really stunned by his whatsapp. Totally donno wad to reply at all. Haa! Till e next day, he MSG me, saying that why I MIA 1/2 way while MSG-ing. I replied, fallen asleep! Thereafter he told me to pass a MSG to Angela that when she is in Japan, can look for him cos so coincidentally, they are travelling to Jap on the same week and he is familiar with that area cos his family stay there. -_-"
I told Angela about what Andy said and she tease me nonstop! She said "Mercs vs BMW loh" -_-" WTH right.. Haa! Cos that day, after Andy walked away, we turned and saw him entering his car. We were pretty shocked that hes' driving now as he used to loves and ride bike and used to be quite notorious. But am happy for him lah, as he turn over a new leaf and is doing well in his life now.
Andy might be bluffing that he waited downstairs my plc for me. But frankly, I was pretty touched by his words =) But Andy is not the only guy who waited downstairs for me. There was one super silly guy who used to do so too and he did so much better than e rest of e guys that I ever met =)
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