Meaningful! And at least, at the end, they still reunited even thou it was so many years later, even thou they were old, its so sweet.
Do you still love me, please tell me.

I read this... So sweet
Determine to be with u and want so much to make u the last girl that i'm going to love.. and settle down with u.. build a small family of our own.. and lead a simple life with u..
thinking of our future.. thinking of how we should have our future to be after we're married.. after i've decided u to be the women i want to be with, i've never thought of changing or having another.. becos i'm so determine to settle down with u and plans for our future.. i just can't describe how much i love u.. since i've known u, i've not been fooling around outside.. cheating u.. or lying to u.. i've high hopes in us.. thou for the past one year it has been a difficult path for us to walk but we still walk it through.. together.. and no matter how hard the future path is going to be for us to walk.. i'll still wants to bite the bullet and walk u through..
u had so much affections on me.. even going out i'll also wants u to be by my side.. i know its kind of sticky but i just wants u to be by my side whenever possible.. doing things together and sharing our joy..
i'll always be there for u.. i'm not silly for doing all this.. cos i know what i'm doing and what i'm fighting for.. Baby.. most importantly is i'm really serious about u.. thats why i've never want to stop fighting for u..
HIM LOVES HER truly and deeply..
Although now, we cant never be back together again, I wish that if there is really next life, I would be able to meet you again, be together with you once again and reconciled the love we once had.
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