I find it so realistic and touching.. Heard that its based on real life story.. 那些年, 我們一起追的女孩
Life.... is full of choices for us to choose...
There's no right or wrong choices.. Whenever you make a decision, in the later part, you might or will tends to think back, whether is it the right one? But I guess the choices that was choosen was the best available choice back then but if given a choice, will you still choose the same choices?
Watching the show, make think back even more.. 如果那时候我这么做或者我那么做,会是什么后果。
Some parts in the show, felt so much like my own life... Haa!
1. 被你喜欢去过的我,很难会觉得别人会比你更喜欢我。
2. 或许,在另一个平行时空里,我们是在一起的. 真羡慕他们
I really think this is a good show, caused I watch it twice!
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