Its just a drama show but by looking at all these photos, it gave me a sense of happiness and actually wakes me up.. As I aged, I forgotten this theory; that happiness can actually be so simple =)
MK recommended me to this show... He said the female lead in the show resemble me. He said e way she speak and behave in this show looks like me.. When I watch e first ep, I do not think so but gradually.... Haa.. Im still halfway into the show but I kinda like this show..
Last 2 days, I was at Vincent's place for MJ.
The first day when I went over, he was still MJ-ing with his ex-student and his ex-student's friends. This particular ex-student of his, caught my attention. Why? I also donno... Haa!
His back was facing me when I stepped into the house. Maybe because he was wearing that " blue sleeveless PTI..?" As it was still 南风, I loiter around the table to watch them play. The way that group of guys talks, the way they played / touch the MJ and so more, reminds me of the past. It have been a long time since a guy managed to catch my attention. Probably it was the way he smiled and his look. He does look and behave slightly like him, slightly.. But this guy are more muscular.. :) But I guess and feel, its definitely got nth to do with K. I think I've a fetish for uniform and short-haired guy.. Wahhaha! Just kidding.. Anyway, I donno how the conversation end up but before that guy left, he told me his age, 25, same age as me..
Thereafter, Vincent told me that this particular guy and the other 2 pals that he bought along are in the service. Haa.. Maybe thats the reason why watching them MJ, reminds me of days in 304A or even days at Tham's place =)
The next day when I went over to Vincent's place, he told me that the same group played during noon time and he wanted me to help him revenge on MJ as for the 2 days, he lost about 1K to them as this particular group play 1,2. I told him, maybe 他们看我是女孩子,他们会 give chance to me. Vincent reply was: Ya loh, i think they will cos this noon, the other 2 guys disturb that particular guy, 看女人看到打错牌. Ofcos I asked Vincent why they said so? He said, the moment I reach, that particular guy gave out twice 5 double.. Haa! I cant imagine that I still have this kind of charm.. Wahhaha!
I met up with the 2 irritating buddies of mine today at Suntec, MK and Ong for dinner..
I think I get to know and finally understand something today. Sadden yet released; at least its a breakthrough for me =) Contented.. 终于明白,终于能解脱了
我: 没有。想了但又不知道
他:Haiz -_-"
我:…. 也对啦
他:他也都承认他是一个重色轻友的人啊。我觉得我好像做了坏人。你现在觉得Ok 吗?
我:还好啦。没事!谢谢你让我知道,谢谢你让我明白,所以我也不会再乱想了,我也会真正 move on。
我:No lah, 听你这么说,我觉得也对啦,不然还会有什么原因。这个是最好的答案啊!
我:我知道我这样是对他很不公平但是你今天让我领会的事,我以后可以好好地对待他也不晚啊。我知道我的男朋友真的对我很好。只是以前没有人向我解释,我也不知道为什么所以一直在dingdong.. 哈哈。谢谢你。
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