I donno but after reading CLEO, I think im experiencing QLC... Haa!
- 在这世界上,是没有“因该“这个事情的。
- Sometime things might not be as simple as wad it seems..
- 有些机会只有一次,失去了就不会再来
- In this world, is there anything called "命中注定去爱一个人呢?"
- 心灵相通有可能吗?
- Past experiences do not represent me. Rather, they represent things I have experienced; they do not make me into a better or worse person
Finally at the age of 23, I did something which I have always wanted to do since the age of 18. Tadah!!! My makeover photos. Taken in Taiwan =)
All this photos are taken using my camera but the effects are still nice rgt !!! =)
My camera is failing me soon.. I wanna get a new camera but I don bear to dump my old. Haiz...
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