In a blink of eye, WJ and I have been together for 2 years already.. Afterall, it havent been an easy walk for us... He really have been a very nice, very doting, very loving BF...
My flowers from him

I was out at site for the whole day. And when I entered office, I was caught by surprise by the big lovely bouquet of flowers on top of my desk..
He still remember this day as during this period of time, he was undergoing reservist; servicing the nation.
I managed to meet up with him at night fall and he gave this to me as our 2nd year present.
Nope, its not an engagement ring. Just a normal ring for us to resemble our togetherness. We used to have a pair of T&C rings but last time when we wear it, we argue ev day thereafter we took it off and things starts to take a good turn... wahaha.. I know shouldnt be so superstitious but some time some things, u simply cant turn a blind eyes to it.. Haa!
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