I went JB with cousin yesterrday (18/01). Went to do our medi and pedi but prices were hiked up quite high due to CNY. While waiting for my nailz to dry, I saw GuoLiang with his gf there. Haa! And yesterday was also the 1st time I kana caught for not putting on seat belt by the JB customs officer! Damnz him, he just wanted to get some Kopi $$$ from us. We knew it bcos he talk in a very loud voice "IM GOING TO ISSUE YOU SUMMON THAT RM300" @#$%@#$%^ him lor. I was super TL lor.
Starting to feel vexed about this job. I don like IT but now the market is bad. Will I still be able to find another new job that easily? I dread this kind of feelings. Sigh!
So many trainings, so many meetings.. I can still remember that day 9th Jan, we had our semi annual meeting till 2 am. My friends all said it comparable to army trainings. I almost die out of hunger as after 8pm, the coffeeshop in our office area was close. Im don want to give up just like that but I DON like it this way
R_Y is back again. I didn’t saw or meet up with close to 2 years. Still looks the same but he say nowadays Im very good with my words especially suan-ing him.
I donno why but lately, a lot of things hasn’t appeared to be in my interest. I seems to have lost interest in lotsa things. I need to find back my interests for things... Be it life, work or play.
FRA whom have seen me recently say I slim down once again but couldnt be ley as I have been eating alot esp supper. -_-"
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