Took all this quiz as Im bored in office =)
Steph, a Flirty look will make you picture perfect
What's up, hot stuff? We bet you've already got your holiday soirees all lined up. An outgoing and festive person, you have no problem getting into the holiday spirit. You've got a flirty and fun personality, and your picture perfect holiday look should match.
From fiery reds to sassy blacks, you know how to keep things hot, even when it's cold outside. You're always a good addition to any seasonal gathering because you can strike up conversations with strangers and make people feel welcome. Especially when you find the mistletoe!
Steph, your nights on the town are Wild
A fun flirt like you knows great nights out are about having a good time and making memories. A true social butterfly, you get along with all sorts of people and thrive on having a different activity planned for every night of the week. You've got a great sense of humor that always serves you well, whether you're heading to a formal work event or a hot first date.
You're probably the first person people invite to parties because they know you'll be the last to leave. Charismatic and friendly, you're not afraid to strike up random conversations with strangers or crank things up on the dance floor. That's hot!
Steph, your beauty aura is Luminous!
You have a well-rested, happy glow around you at all times that's the result of years of self-pampering. Taking good care of yourself is important to you. You focus on keeping your skin looking healthy and young, your hair vibrant, your nails free from spots. Although it's often hard to find the time, you make sure to indulge yourself as often as possible with a foamy bubble bath or a soothing mud mask.
You work hard, and you relax well. You know that your luxurious timeouts are what keep you going when the pressure's on. If anything worries you, it's that you spend too much time and money on pampering yourself. You shouldn't stress about it too much. You've found the perfect balance of treating yourself well without going overboard.
Steph, your celeb look is inspired by Keri Russell

From the small screen to the silver screen, you've got plenty in common with this adorable actress. Like Keri, you're charming and sincere, with a sweet disposition and great personal style.
For you, staying stylish is likely to be as much about feeling great and enjoying yourself as it is about what you wear. That's why you're not one to follow outlandish trends. After all, you'd much rather wear your clothes than have them wear you. By keeping it simple, it's your unique self they'll remember. Way to go!
Steph, if you were on a soap opera, you'd be a Mischievous Vixen
Hubba hubba, hot stuff. You're a sexy and sultry lady who isn't afraid to strut her stuff — and maybe even use those female wiles to get what you want. A huge rock on your ring finger? A fancy car? A fur coat? Diamonds are a girl's best friend. And all the men in town probably have a hard time saying no to you. It is the soaps after all!
That's not to say that you don't also have plenty of brains — heaven help those poor souls who forget you do. You just can't help it that you're so attractive and alluring. And you shouldn't have to — it's hot!
Are You a Material Girl?
Looks like you don't possess-to-impress! You probably follow the trends and have nice things, but you don't abide by the "he who dies with the most toys wins" philosophy. You don't focus on living in luxury. Of course you do indulge yourself every once in a while. You probably pick and choose where you're going to spend your money and your energy. You might want the top-of-the-line sound system, or maybe you purchase all the breakthrough miracle skin-care products. There's nothing wrong with that! You've probably got your motivations in the right place. You don't buy brands just to show off the label or drive a convertible to insinuate that you're rolling in cash. It's easy to get caught up in our "check me out" society, but you've avoided that path. Whether you have extravagant tastes or not, your spending style is motivated by your values. So, pat yourself on the back. You're a rare and admirable breed!
Are You Ready to Be a Mom?
Start clearing out that extra room — sounds like you're going to need a nursery before too much longer. Because, despite a few lingering hesitations, it looks like you're almost ready to change your name to "Mommy." It's great that you recognize your concerns, though, whether you're worried about not knowing how to be a mom or just that you might not be quite ready to turn your life upside-down. If it's the latter — if you're afraid that you're not emotionally ready or aren't too keen on restructuring your lifestyle — then maybe it's a good idea to hold off for a bit. But try not to worry too much about the "not knowing what to do" part. As long as you've got maternal instincts — and a great support network — the rest will come naturally. No one knows exactly what to do until they've actually got the baby in their arms. To put it another way, try this quick "test": Does the thought of knowing all the words to the latest children's songs make you giddy? Do you browse through Baby Gap just to see how precious tiny jeans and sweaters can be? Does watching a toddler dance erase your stress and make you grin? If you answered "yes," you just might be ready to decorate a nursery and get busy in the bedroom!
Hopeless Romantic
For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.
Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.
Steph, your Sweet Spirit makes you amazing
Have a heart? You certainly do. Thoughtful and warm, you make other people feel at ease and welcome whether you're hosting a party or just attending it. You can't help it — you're a sweetheart who's a great friend to just about everyone.
Sincere and kindhearted, you look out for those you love and will often put the needs of others before your own. It's no surprise friends and family look to you for advice and a shoulder to lean on. Helping other people makes you happy. That's the best super power any hero could have!
Steph, in your Cinderella story, you'd get to Live Happily Ever After

When it comes to setting goals, you're not afraid to reach high. How else would you explain wanting to be the belle of the ball, winning the heart of the prince, showing those evil stepsisters who's boss, and ruling the kingdom? You're a girl with goals, and you go after them.
Let's face it: You're not one to sit around and wait for life to happen. If the driver has the night off, you'd probably proudly take the reigns of your pumpkin coach and drive yourself to the party. You're not the type to have a team of servants at your beck and call although that wouldn't be so horrible, now would it? But if good ol' Prince Charming has anything to say about it, you won't have to lift a finger when you move into the castle together — unless you want to. And with your varied interests and natural drive to get what you want, you're sure to be true royalty in no time. And that's a happily ever after worth sharing.
What Do You Want in a Man?
You don't need a doting guy in order to feel satisfied. In fact, although you might prefer a guy who'll occasionally pamper you with gifts or affection, you don't need your ideal man to be a true romantic. (Two famous men who might fit your romance profile are Mark Wahlberg and Jack Nicholson.) Heck, you might even find sappy or romantic acts cheesy rather than desirable. Or perhaps you look at men with a realistic eye and recognize that the passionate, expressive qualities many women crave are rarely found outside the movies. Whether you're romantic or not, your open-minded, practical outlook will significantly increase your chances of meeting Mr. Right!
Love might be a serious game, but it should still be fun. Too much sophistication can kill the romance. But we didn't have to tell you that. It sounds like you always go for the kind of guy who knows how to cut loose and just be himself. Practicality and maturity are respectable qualities, sure, and no man should be completely without them, but they've never been high on your list of important ingredients for an exciting night out. Based on your answers, we think your perfect guy — someone like Jerry Seinfeld or Cuba Gooding Jr., perhaps? — should know how to have a great time without acting too childish or outrageous. Whether he adds a little bit of danger to your life or just has a great sense of humor, your ideal man would still be young enough at heart to let the kid in him emerge.
Love doesn't come cheap, but it doesn't have to be all that expensive, either. It sounds like you're not very concerned about your ideal man's financial situation. Of course, we all dream of living well, but it's a mistake to mix your expectations of love with your hopes for a first-class lifestyle. Based on your answers, it seems like money isn't a real romantic concern for you. On the airplane of love, you're just as happy traveling coach as first class. (Two TV guys who live up to your financial expectations — or lack thereof — are Chandler and Ross from "Friends.") Being detached from materialist concerns is a healthy, realistic attitude and should help make you happy. It means that when Mr. Right crosses your path, you'll be sure to recognize him and not worry about the size of his wallet.
You seem to know instinctively that love is blind, so why rule out any potential suitors? Sure, you probably prefer a looker (who doesn't?!), but you don't have strict standards by which you measure a potential date's physical appearance. Nicolas Cage? Ben Stiller? Just your style. Not only does this tendency reflect your innate good nature, but it also indicates that you'll be more apt to find your ideal man, since you're not someone who shuts the door on anyone who couldn't make a magazine cover. Of course, just because you're willing to look past the surface doesn't mean that your guy will be anything less than stunning. Whoever he is and whatever he looks like, you'll find him because your mind and heart are open.
Are You a Sex Goddess?
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!
The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,
the Goddess ATHENA.
You're a powerful woman who knows what she wants and just how to get it. Of all the deities, you come closest to the modern woman. Strong and sensual, you're someone who doesn't shy away from a challenge. In fact, it's precisely the challenge that excites you. You have no tolerance for traditional gender roles, so seduction is your specialty. You probably have no problem being the aggressor, nor do you mind being in control of a relationship. In bed, you might even take the lead and make sure that nothing's over until you are thoroughly satisfied. Your self-confidence and security have allowed you to use your sexuality exactly the way that pleases you. Your lovers undoubtedly sense your inner divinity and worship your ways. You demand and receive respect from whomever you decide to bed. And like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!
Do You Have a Sixth Sense?
Sixth sense? Wasn't that a movie or something? Okay, so you're not all that intuitive, but your answers tell us that you do trust your instincts when it counts. Ever find yourself ignoring perfectly decent advice from a friend for no good reason? Start to call someone, only to hear their voice — not a dial tone — on the line when you pick up the receiver? That's your intuition waving its hand in the air and trying to get noticed. So pay attention. We know it's not easy. After all, it's been said that humans are the only animals who train themselves not to trust their instincts. Intuition is often just a matter of keeping calm enough to listen to your inner feelings. In this hectic world, sometimes it's hard to catch anything besides "feed me" or "watch out for that car!" But the payoff for taking the time to listen to yourself can really buy you some happiness. You can do it if you try. How do we know? We just do.
Wow, I done so many tests.. =)
Steph, a Flirty look will make you picture perfect
What's up, hot stuff? We bet you've already got your holiday soirees all lined up. An outgoing and festive person, you have no problem getting into the holiday spirit. You've got a flirty and fun personality, and your picture perfect holiday look should match.
From fiery reds to sassy blacks, you know how to keep things hot, even when it's cold outside. You're always a good addition to any seasonal gathering because you can strike up conversations with strangers and make people feel welcome. Especially when you find the mistletoe!
Steph, your nights on the town are Wild
A fun flirt like you knows great nights out are about having a good time and making memories. A true social butterfly, you get along with all sorts of people and thrive on having a different activity planned for every night of the week. You've got a great sense of humor that always serves you well, whether you're heading to a formal work event or a hot first date.
You're probably the first person people invite to parties because they know you'll be the last to leave. Charismatic and friendly, you're not afraid to strike up random conversations with strangers or crank things up on the dance floor. That's hot!
Steph, your beauty aura is Luminous!
You have a well-rested, happy glow around you at all times that's the result of years of self-pampering. Taking good care of yourself is important to you. You focus on keeping your skin looking healthy and young, your hair vibrant, your nails free from spots. Although it's often hard to find the time, you make sure to indulge yourself as often as possible with a foamy bubble bath or a soothing mud mask.
You work hard, and you relax well. You know that your luxurious timeouts are what keep you going when the pressure's on. If anything worries you, it's that you spend too much time and money on pampering yourself. You shouldn't stress about it too much. You've found the perfect balance of treating yourself well without going overboard.
Steph, your celeb look is inspired by Keri Russell

From the small screen to the silver screen, you've got plenty in common with this adorable actress. Like Keri, you're charming and sincere, with a sweet disposition and great personal style.
For you, staying stylish is likely to be as much about feeling great and enjoying yourself as it is about what you wear. That's why you're not one to follow outlandish trends. After all, you'd much rather wear your clothes than have them wear you. By keeping it simple, it's your unique self they'll remember. Way to go!
Steph, if you were on a soap opera, you'd be a Mischievous Vixen
Hubba hubba, hot stuff. You're a sexy and sultry lady who isn't afraid to strut her stuff — and maybe even use those female wiles to get what you want. A huge rock on your ring finger? A fancy car? A fur coat? Diamonds are a girl's best friend. And all the men in town probably have a hard time saying no to you. It is the soaps after all!
That's not to say that you don't also have plenty of brains — heaven help those poor souls who forget you do. You just can't help it that you're so attractive and alluring. And you shouldn't have to — it's hot!
Are You a Material Girl?
Looks like you don't possess-to-impress! You probably follow the trends and have nice things, but you don't abide by the "he who dies with the most toys wins" philosophy. You don't focus on living in luxury. Of course you do indulge yourself every once in a while. You probably pick and choose where you're going to spend your money and your energy. You might want the top-of-the-line sound system, or maybe you purchase all the breakthrough miracle skin-care products. There's nothing wrong with that! You've probably got your motivations in the right place. You don't buy brands just to show off the label or drive a convertible to insinuate that you're rolling in cash. It's easy to get caught up in our "check me out" society, but you've avoided that path. Whether you have extravagant tastes or not, your spending style is motivated by your values. So, pat yourself on the back. You're a rare and admirable breed!
Are You Ready to Be a Mom?
Start clearing out that extra room — sounds like you're going to need a nursery before too much longer. Because, despite a few lingering hesitations, it looks like you're almost ready to change your name to "Mommy." It's great that you recognize your concerns, though, whether you're worried about not knowing how to be a mom or just that you might not be quite ready to turn your life upside-down. If it's the latter — if you're afraid that you're not emotionally ready or aren't too keen on restructuring your lifestyle — then maybe it's a good idea to hold off for a bit. But try not to worry too much about the "not knowing what to do" part. As long as you've got maternal instincts — and a great support network — the rest will come naturally. No one knows exactly what to do until they've actually got the baby in their arms. To put it another way, try this quick "test": Does the thought of knowing all the words to the latest children's songs make you giddy? Do you browse through Baby Gap just to see how precious tiny jeans and sweaters can be? Does watching a toddler dance erase your stress and make you grin? If you answered "yes," you just might be ready to decorate a nursery and get busy in the bedroom!
Hopeless Romantic
For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.
Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.
Steph, your Sweet Spirit makes you amazing
Have a heart? You certainly do. Thoughtful and warm, you make other people feel at ease and welcome whether you're hosting a party or just attending it. You can't help it — you're a sweetheart who's a great friend to just about everyone.
Sincere and kindhearted, you look out for those you love and will often put the needs of others before your own. It's no surprise friends and family look to you for advice and a shoulder to lean on. Helping other people makes you happy. That's the best super power any hero could have!
Steph, in your Cinderella story, you'd get to Live Happily Ever After
When it comes to setting goals, you're not afraid to reach high. How else would you explain wanting to be the belle of the ball, winning the heart of the prince, showing those evil stepsisters who's boss, and ruling the kingdom? You're a girl with goals, and you go after them.
Let's face it: You're not one to sit around and wait for life to happen. If the driver has the night off, you'd probably proudly take the reigns of your pumpkin coach and drive yourself to the party. You're not the type to have a team of servants at your beck and call although that wouldn't be so horrible, now would it? But if good ol' Prince Charming has anything to say about it, you won't have to lift a finger when you move into the castle together — unless you want to. And with your varied interests and natural drive to get what you want, you're sure to be true royalty in no time. And that's a happily ever after worth sharing.
What Do You Want in a Man?
You don't need a doting guy in order to feel satisfied. In fact, although you might prefer a guy who'll occasionally pamper you with gifts or affection, you don't need your ideal man to be a true romantic. (Two famous men who might fit your romance profile are Mark Wahlberg and Jack Nicholson.) Heck, you might even find sappy or romantic acts cheesy rather than desirable. Or perhaps you look at men with a realistic eye and recognize that the passionate, expressive qualities many women crave are rarely found outside the movies. Whether you're romantic or not, your open-minded, practical outlook will significantly increase your chances of meeting Mr. Right!
Love might be a serious game, but it should still be fun. Too much sophistication can kill the romance. But we didn't have to tell you that. It sounds like you always go for the kind of guy who knows how to cut loose and just be himself. Practicality and maturity are respectable qualities, sure, and no man should be completely without them, but they've never been high on your list of important ingredients for an exciting night out. Based on your answers, we think your perfect guy — someone like Jerry Seinfeld or Cuba Gooding Jr., perhaps? — should know how to have a great time without acting too childish or outrageous. Whether he adds a little bit of danger to your life or just has a great sense of humor, your ideal man would still be young enough at heart to let the kid in him emerge.
Love doesn't come cheap, but it doesn't have to be all that expensive, either. It sounds like you're not very concerned about your ideal man's financial situation. Of course, we all dream of living well, but it's a mistake to mix your expectations of love with your hopes for a first-class lifestyle. Based on your answers, it seems like money isn't a real romantic concern for you. On the airplane of love, you're just as happy traveling coach as first class. (Two TV guys who live up to your financial expectations — or lack thereof — are Chandler and Ross from "Friends.") Being detached from materialist concerns is a healthy, realistic attitude and should help make you happy. It means that when Mr. Right crosses your path, you'll be sure to recognize him and not worry about the size of his wallet.
You seem to know instinctively that love is blind, so why rule out any potential suitors? Sure, you probably prefer a looker (who doesn't?!), but you don't have strict standards by which you measure a potential date's physical appearance. Nicolas Cage? Ben Stiller? Just your style. Not only does this tendency reflect your innate good nature, but it also indicates that you'll be more apt to find your ideal man, since you're not someone who shuts the door on anyone who couldn't make a magazine cover. Of course, just because you're willing to look past the surface doesn't mean that your guy will be anything less than stunning. Whoever he is and whatever he looks like, you'll find him because your mind and heart are open.
Are You a Sex Goddess?
A brilliant bolt of lightning descends! SHAZAAM! The oracle has spoken!
The smoke clears to reveal that inside you is a divine being,
the Goddess ATHENA.
You're a powerful woman who knows what she wants and just how to get it. Of all the deities, you come closest to the modern woman. Strong and sensual, you're someone who doesn't shy away from a challenge. In fact, it's precisely the challenge that excites you. You have no tolerance for traditional gender roles, so seduction is your specialty. You probably have no problem being the aggressor, nor do you mind being in control of a relationship. In bed, you might even take the lead and make sure that nothing's over until you are thoroughly satisfied. Your self-confidence and security have allowed you to use your sexuality exactly the way that pleases you. Your lovers undoubtedly sense your inner divinity and worship your ways. You demand and receive respect from whomever you decide to bed. And like a light from the heavens, your partner discovers your true inner nature. Behold, the skies proclaim, here lies a goddess!
Do You Have a Sixth Sense?
Sixth sense? Wasn't that a movie or something? Okay, so you're not all that intuitive, but your answers tell us that you do trust your instincts when it counts. Ever find yourself ignoring perfectly decent advice from a friend for no good reason? Start to call someone, only to hear their voice — not a dial tone — on the line when you pick up the receiver? That's your intuition waving its hand in the air and trying to get noticed. So pay attention. We know it's not easy. After all, it's been said that humans are the only animals who train themselves not to trust their instincts. Intuition is often just a matter of keeping calm enough to listen to your inner feelings. In this hectic world, sometimes it's hard to catch anything besides "feed me" or "watch out for that car!" But the payoff for taking the time to listen to yourself can really buy you some happiness. You can do it if you try. How do we know? We just do.
Wow, I done so many tests.. =)
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