WS 21st bday celebration. Everyone seems to celebrate by having chalet or BBQ during his/hers 21st.
If I was to celebrate my 21st, I wan something different but then seems like I don have much fren now and if my party only got my family and some fren attending, I will look kinda pathetic har? Lolz.
When I was young, I used to wish I was 18 or 21 but now I wish I was only 16! 21 21 21... Sounds old har??! I dread getting old!

I went East coast to cycle with Aaron, Annie and TingTing on Sunday (21st Jan).
Annie rode with TingTing and ofcos Aaron rode with me on those 2-person bicycle as I donno how to cycle.
Here comes the hilarious part... Everything was perfectly fine till we decided to return back the bicycle and go for our dinner. And for no reason the bicycle that Aaron and I was riding, spoilt on it own so we have to push the bicycle back which was quite a distance away -_-"
Thou I did not cycle but I felt tired. Nevertheless I still enjoyed my day.

Oh shit! I think I slim down again as my ¾ jean has become kinda loose. Im definitely not on any diet as I personally feels that being too skinny is ugly. My appetite is small but I take quite a number of meals per day. I want to put on more weight but the more I eat, the skinner I am and the worse part... My tummy is still BIG and FLABBY! Making me look kinda inappropriate... Lolz
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