Whenever I bypass Middle road, I will automatically steal a glance of this Pub named "Release" but yesterday when I bypass Middle road again, I was totally astound that "Release" was no longer around... What left behind was just an empty store... I seriously cant describe that kind of feelings which I have experience at that very instant.
Actually I know very clearly, what I miss
wasnt "Release" but it was "Q club". I have been there since the age of 16 till 18+? This was my 1st part/full time job. What could I say about "Q"?
- I miss the side dish (Top Shell, fried rice) served by
lvl 2
- I miss
lvl 2
MJ uncle whom slowly become my good pals
- I miss drinking with Ken, Steven,
ShiHan, Raymond, Jason they all.
- I miss Eileen, Evelyn, Cat,
Ashner- I miss the game machine; esp Shanghai
- I miss
ing the
Hokien Mee opp the street
- I miss inserting my songs every now and then and singing 七情六欲 at the
barcounter- I miss e times when friends would come down all
bcos of me
- I miss the good old times
- I miss the Xmas time, New Year,
CNY time spent there
- I miss all the friends whom I made throughout that period
- I miss e one and only time when I was totally drunk and vomited numerous time
and I still misses
alot of things from Q club
Lately I have been thinking of going back for a drink but failed as I was too tight up with my job but even if I got the free time now to go back, I also cant.
Like wad I had always said; The world, the things, the people are constantly changing. No one, no things will ever remains the same forever...
Nevertheless, this teaches me: Don ponder over the things which I had wanted to do. Appreciate all things which I have now. In case if its gone, I will never ever find them back again.
Although e
plc (Q club) has close down, it is now a empty shell and it may never exist again,
Im grateful that I own this sweet sweet memories to accompany me
throughout my life which
truly belongs to me only. I hope I will never accidentally forget all this nice memories. Memories stay on ya! =)