a way of holding onto the things you love, the way you are, the things you never want to lose.
31 October 2007
I made my 1st sale today. Sold off the BodyShop, BodyButter. Thou I made a loss but still, its better keeping them in my wardrobe.
29 October 2007
"今天是观音旦的最后一天如果要改运的话,请到 counter 去盖印"
Im a typical kiasu sporean. Ofcos I went for the 盖印 "ceremony" too. Hopefully from now onwards, my luck will turn even better! Huat ar! Haa...
I went gym today!
Im weak, ran for awhile and my head was spinning. I need more training =)
28 October 2007
On Fri, WJ's bro fetch us to HarborFront. Board the cruise at about 630pm.
Us at the entrance. Taken by WJ's mom

The card to our Balcony room
However we did not stayed in this room. Changed room with his parent as they wanted to stay near to Casino =) Therefore our room was at Lvl 11, room no: 11516!
The view of our room.
Spacious isnt it? I had never expect that cruise room will be that spacious at all.
My back view (Hmmm... When is the ship sailing off?)
After which, we went for our dinner. Went to Arcade to play games. Had a fun FUN time there. Played some kids games which we will never played in SG arcade. Like the "Bang Bang" de. WJ tried the "pick-up soft toys" but failed.
Finally it was casino time! =) Played BlackJack initially but WJ's mom says PonToon is much easier to play as it pay us imm if we have 21, therefore we switched over. I won about 50+ before before gg off to bed at 3plus in the morning.
Woke up at about 11+
A cold day to start off with! The aircon together with the sea breeze make the surrounding temperature cold. WJ woke up in the middle of e night to wear his sweater as for me, I slept like a dead log. Haa..
His morning kiss always brighten up my day!
The black and white effect
The couple
When the sea and sky combines...
A 100% beauty!
Had western food for our brunch. Other than the bread which they baked themself the rest wasnt really up to our expectations. Took a short stroll to discover the cruise
Proceed to Casino again after our stroll. Even thou he does not gamble, he waited patiently for me while I gamble. The man behind the successful woman =)
Having the BBQ dinner and watching the performance by the crew.
Love this pic lots. It captured e beauty of the cruise
Caught a 1am show at its cinema. HairSpray!
Songs from this movie is real catchy. Been humming to myself after watching this.
The only demerit of the cruise: To drink soft-drink in all the restaurant, you have to pay monies except when in the casino, all drinks are FOC. Overall, this is a fabulous trip. I won monies and also because I have him by my side. Pending to go once more during Dec; either to Malacca or Phuket =)
26 October 2007
M9 exams date fix on 9 Nov.
Hopefully this time round, I will be able to pass as I am more hardworking now. Has been seeing Shawn (my tutor) weekly for near to a month. Grateful to him for forking up his time to coach me.
Gotten a new 2GB memory stick! Im gg cruise in 1 more hour...
24 October 2007
In the meantime, Im considering taking up pole dancing =) I wanna go to thebodytalks but the location wise sucks hence maybe I will choose Groove
Decided to rest for a month before looking for my next job. He said he will 养我 till I found my next job. Haa!
Should I or should I not buy? Burberry Blue Label...
SoOo tempting... But I should control spending cos I still have to compensate my company $690
Make a last min decision to go cruising with his family this weekend. *Elated* It has been more than a decade since I last went on cruise.
Cruise cruise... Im coming!
22 October 2007
Me at MS

The Happy Couple

Went over to Vivo for Haagen =)

The typical poses when trying on new clothes

Look at my bulging tummy :(

To give one's resignation letter, it takes a lot of courage. But still, I handed it up. Nambu and my colleagues did ask to stay but my mind is made-up. Like wad WJ has said: once you have decided on it, be firm.
I will still need to go for my exams cos its a rule set by SDF otherwise I will have to compensate fully. Boss said tml then let me know full details.
Xin is back from Taiwan and she helped me to buy the cup noodles. 2 for bebe 2 for me. haa! Hopefully can meet up with them soon otherwise have to wait till 20th for our next gathering. Misses those gals A LOT! They allow me to be MYSELF, they accept the kiddish side of me, they are able to talk nonsense with me whole night long, their actions will always 感动 me and more... Friendship that were built up for more than a decade lor. Sounds old ar? Haa!
Someone said: surprisingly you gals hardly contact yet still are close to one another. 我想这个就是缘分吧 =)
19 October 2007
3 weeks has passed so fast! Today will be the end of WJ's ICT.
After being in NDU for 1 mth plus, my dear friend QZ, has learnt to foretell the weather. Wahahaha! Unbelievable but he said inside his locker, has my photo in it =)
Finally uploaded e pics taken at HillTop.
I need to de-stress... Haa
17 October 2007
Baby if you are uncomfortable with your job and your studies I will support your decision. Dun worry about the money. We will get by. If you really cannot take it anymore then pull out of your studies. I will stand by you no matter what cos you are my dearest
Ah yi and Kor advice: Stay till bonus but I doubt i can handle it anymore.
I donno whether is this a correct move but I truly hope it will be...
Have been continuously fighting with myself. To go or to stay.
To stay = I will go berserk sooner or later.
To go = I have to compensate them for my studies cos it was fully subsidy by them. *Vexed*
16 October 2007
14 October 2007
My purchases...

On Sat (13/10), we went over to YiJun bday party. She stays in the same BLK with Angela.
From left to right:
YiJun, Ms Lee, Me, Angela, Siew Ling, AiLi and FenLoo.
And yes, we are all finally adults. The future generation. Haa!
Preparing to leave
Me & the Bday gal
Had a small tiff with WJ while at Yijun plc. The reason: Drink and smoke.
I guess he is kinda upset that recently while he is having his ICT, I been doing both of this quite often. I promised once he finished his ICT, I will stop my smoking. Lol. Thou he was angry with me but he knew I was upset hence he still come to sayang me. *sweet*
Initially, we had arranged to meet up with Raymond and friends. But as it was a last min arrangement, most of them couldnt make it. 1 more wedding to go in Nov. After exams, I shall go shop for my new dress. Haa!
Me on my way home.
Received a call from Ping. She called to tell me that she went prawn-ing at Lakeside and she saw one of my guy friends. The world is small. Haa! Another part of our conversation goes like that:
Ping: Wru now?
Me: At WJ hse lor
Ping: Where he stay?
Ping: HUH?! He stays opp ah boon hse? WAHAHAHA!
Yesyes, most of my friends and family had a good laugh about this. I used to tell them, I wouldnt want to stay in the West anymore but now Im doing it. Life is kind of funny ya?
Us idling at home.
After which, we went to Newton for our supper. Whenever WJ is by my side, I will be having supper EVERY night. *Fatty couple to be*
Us at Newton
During daytime, WJ and I went over to Lot1 for our brunch. I bought a btt of Naturland tummy flat. Haa! Hopefully this will helps me to get rid of my BIG, bulging tummy.
Taken before he book in. happily in love!
Im finally fairer than him =)
The thought of studying for exams make my head ache!
12 October 2007
That what ppl have been telling me but how to? When I have totally lost interest in what I am doing. Its a torture dragging ownself to work daily. I felt extremely demoralised especially now when I am facing with those month end settlement stuffs. I HATE IT! In need of a punching bag. Exams date are near but I hasnt been studying much! Ya, I know. Blame it on myself for I keep going out.
How many more months must I endure?! Arrhh!!!!! :(
He will be out tonight but only at 11plus -_-"
11 October 2007
They said that now the HDB flats are hard to apply for. Family was saying that because most of the youngster now couldnt afford to make the 10% down payment (roughly about 30K) Flats that ppl get, will most likely be in those deserted places like Seng Kang and so on. For goodness sake, I wouldnt want to live there! Therefore I figured that I should start saving up MORE.
09 October 2007
Spent my day studying at home except that I went to Chinatown for awhile. In the night, Angela asked me out. I agreed but persuaded her to meet at kampong bahru as I was kinda lazy to go far.
Coincidentally, I saw Tricia & Wilson but we didnt went drink together. make our way to Studio and I saw familiar faces again. Clement, the guy who took over Q and together with him were 2 more guys. Angela told me one of them was from Project superstar de. They invited us to sing duet with them and yes, they definitely sang well.
Reached home close to 1115. felt kinda guilty as I did not study much ytd but what to do.
06 October 2007
Work end, met up with Angela. Had our steamboat dinner at TBP.
Angela and me Idling at TBP

After that, went to Jolin's work place to R&R. Really enjoyed my night-out with Angela. Its been a long time since we went out to chill together. Am also happy for Jolin that she has found a daytime job. She is a nice & strong girl, just that she once make a wrong move in her life. May she be happy with her choices now.
Met up with Alan too as he was in the vicinity. He went with us to have our suppper and thereafter fetch Angela to BQ to find Eddy. After alightening Angela at BQ, he send me home. On the way back, we met with road-block... I was like WTF. Couldnt be so heng ba. Luckily the TP didnt suspect anything =)
A great nite-out!
Met up with baby at 10plus. Im surprised tat I managed to wake up the moment he called me. Oh yes, while having supper with them last night, they were still saying I couldnt wake up till late noon. Guess I proved them wrong =)
*Heartache* WJ has become "Mr Black" due to all those tanning and so on. Had our brunch at Sake Sushi and we slept throughout the whole noon.. Haa! After which, he taught me on my equity topics. Enjoyed being with him. I really MISS him a lot when he is not by my side! That sweet uncle... even though he was tired, he still insists on going out for awhile with me. Went over to Rocher for beancurd takeaway and I told him, I feel like eating Lala so we drop by to Newton too =)
01 October 2007
My pride!
8 yrs after ORD, this is his 1st reservist. Not only him, nearly all e PCs are recall after 8 long yrs. I wonder whether he and his campmates will be able to withstand all those trainings or not. Haa!
Went over to MDIS to get my cert.
My achievement =)

Woowoo! Finally! After all my efforts put in, I finally gotten this =)
Meet up with Alan for awhile caused he wanted to pass me my bday present.
It have been abt 3 mths+ since I last saw him too!
His present for me...

I have TOO many unnecessary stuffs. They are piling up on my wardrobe, robbing me of my space! The result of impulse buying and worst still, they are brand new! Took pics of them and decided to post on Yahoo Auctions. Hopefully there will be buyer. Haa! That’s all =)