Gladsy came to pick me up and we went to attend Manulife seminar. After which, met WJ at Orchard. Had Ding Tai Fung for lunch/dinner. Went over to Hereen for a short walk but I do not have any mood to shop ard. Perhaps I was too tired therefore he suggested going back home to rest even thou he had only just reach there for less than 1 ½ hr.
I slept throughout the journey cos I got a super comfy pillow with me. Haa!
Rested for ½ hr before going out to meet JunHui and HuiLi for a prawning session This time round, 3 hours we managed to catch 8 prawns. Caught 2 prawns with tag attached; which pays us a total of $3. *Lucky us*
However, Junhui isnt that lucky compared to us as he had only caught 2 prawns in 3 hrs. haa! A kind uncle knew that we had only caught 10 prawns in total, therefore he gave up his basket of prawns (I guess more than 20 prawns) to us =)
Need to start revising from next week onwards. Exams date is approaching! *Stress*
a way of holding onto the things you love, the way you are, the things you never want to lose.
29 September 2007
26 September 2007
New Hp
I finally gotten myself a new HP =) And I changed my no.
WJ follow suits. Now we have alike numbers except 1 digit unlike.
WJ follow suits. Now we have alike numbers except 1 digit unlike.
24 September 2007
22 September 2007
HillTop restaurant
Jap holiday on next Monday! Its a long weekend for me =)
Attended Junde's wedding at HillTop restaurant last night. Together with the same old friends but different partner. Initially, I still feel abit awkward but as time passes, I felt better. Had attended few weddings this yr, still I finds Esther & Sean the nicest. When I was small, I wanted to get marry at the age of 21 - 22 but it impossible. Im still young. Moreover no monies!
As usual we were e last to leave as they were still deciding where to go. Hwoon suggested Lollipop so we went over. Hwoon was the one who suggested the place but reaching there, he was already dead-drunk. Haa! Compared to the past, Lollipop has changed quite a lot. Lessen patrons.
The women

The men

Baby and me
Attended Junde's wedding at HillTop restaurant last night. Together with the same old friends but different partner. Initially, I still feel abit awkward but as time passes, I felt better. Had attended few weddings this yr, still I finds Esther & Sean the nicest. When I was small, I wanted to get marry at the age of 21 - 22 but it impossible. Im still young. Moreover no monies!
As usual we were e last to leave as they were still deciding where to go. Hwoon suggested Lollipop so we went over. Hwoon was the one who suggested the place but reaching there, he was already dead-drunk. Haa! Compared to the past, Lollipop has changed quite a lot. Lessen patrons.
The women
The men
Baby and me
18 September 2007
How WJ celebrated my 21st bday for me
How WJ celebrated my 21st bday for me
On 16 Sept, I only woke up 2 plus pm. He brought me my food; after which rushed me to prepare myself.
Went down to Changi Village Hotel. 15 mins after checking into the room (516), the bell rang. The hotel guy came in with a btl of wine and a cake. My 1st surprise from WJ. Cake from Canele!
After which, he gave me my 2nd surprise. A book which I has been looking for. Slept for 2- 3 hrs before waking up for dinner. He gave me 2 choices... Italian food or Zhu cha; I choose zhu cha. Had our dinner back in the hotel room den my 3rd surprise came... A full body massage by him =) *Sweet*
Appreciated that he putted in so much efforts to make my 21st bday so memorable.
The cutie guy with my gift

The kiss of happiness

Below are the pics for the day
On 16 Sept, I only woke up 2 plus pm. He brought me my food; after which rushed me to prepare myself.
Went down to Changi Village Hotel. 15 mins after checking into the room (516), the bell rang. The hotel guy came in with a btl of wine and a cake. My 1st surprise from WJ. Cake from Canele!
After which, he gave me my 2nd surprise. A book which I has been looking for. Slept for 2- 3 hrs before waking up for dinner. He gave me 2 choices... Italian food or Zhu cha; I choose zhu cha. Had our dinner back in the hotel room den my 3rd surprise came... A full body massage by him =) *Sweet*
Appreciated that he putted in so much efforts to make my 21st bday so memorable.
The cutie guy with my gift

The kiss of happiness

Below are the pics for the day
I had a wonderful day =)
17 September 2007
My 21st PINK bday
This is going to be s Super Duper long entry! *So tired but luckily todya is Jap holiday*
14 September
Only managed to check in to bungalow unit:4 at 710pm bcos there are still so many things to buy. Rushed to Seng Siong, my house and Concourse. The car was full with all my stuffs.
Upon reaching there, unpacked all my stuffs. WJ swept and mop the floor for me while I watch my tv show. Haa! Make our way to Changi Village for our dinner.
Sabrina & Jerm came over at 9+ to help me deco up the plc. Look at these beautiful flowers. My bday gift from them.
They are super creative lor. I really appreciate wad they have done for me. They purposely came all the way down to my chalet thou they live far away. Without them, without their deco, my party will not be so sweet and beautiful. After which, we went over to Tampanies to catch "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"

My 1st movie with this couple =) Hilarious but touching movie; how far would you go for your friends.
Movie ends...
Thou we went separate ways; we shared the same route for awhile. The not-so-grown-up WJ and Jerm played on the road! Throw paper and splashing water. Haa! Thou it was fun but it still quite dangerous.
Back to the bungalow, we blow up almost half the balloons and continuing deco the place. Luckily ah boon lends us the electric plump otherwise we will die ya.
Before we went to bed, WJ pass me my bday present.
14 September
Only managed to check in to bungalow unit:4 at 710pm bcos there are still so many things to buy. Rushed to Seng Siong, my house and Concourse. The car was full with all my stuffs.
Upon reaching there, unpacked all my stuffs. WJ swept and mop the floor for me while I watch my tv show. Haa! Make our way to Changi Village for our dinner.
Sabrina & Jerm came over at 9+ to help me deco up the plc. Look at these beautiful flowers. My bday gift from them.
They are super creative lor. I really appreciate wad they have done for me. They purposely came all the way down to my chalet thou they live far away. Without them, without their deco, my party will not be so sweet and beautiful. After which, we went over to Tampanies to catch "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry"

My 1st movie with this couple =) Hilarious but touching movie; how far would you go for your friends.
Movie ends...
Thou we went separate ways; we shared the same route for awhile. The not-so-grown-up WJ and Jerm played on the road! Throw paper and splashing water. Haa! Thou it was fun but it still quite dangerous.
Back to the bungalow, we blow up almost half the balloons and continuing deco the place. Luckily ah boon lends us the electric plump otherwise we will die ya.
Before we went to bed, WJ pass me my bday present.
He gave me this "Key" necklace then he kept laughing non-stop. Im happy with this present because to me, its the thoughts that count not e value.
After which, he said my real present is in his lappy bag; asked me to find it myself. And dada, I found this.

He sure have spend a bomb on it but its a beauty isnt it?
15 September
I couldnt slept well hence I woke up at 9+am despite sleeping late.
Went out to rescue my roses as they keep falling off. Housekeeper came; to see if we need her to tidy the plc for us and she told us that we have a very nice deco =)
My family came start came in at 3plus. Together we prepared for the BBQ, set up the table and so on. Dad bought alot of food for BBQ. Roughly at 5 plus, a lady came with a bouquet of roses for me. I was kinda surprised as I had never expected to receive it.
The 4 different colour roses!

Took a look at the card, it was from WJ. A pleasant surprise and it brightens up my day for I was starting to feel worn-out due to all the preparations.
Buffet arrived at 6 plus. I was kinda worried because most of my family and friends have not come. Am afraid that no one will come. Haaa! The crowd starts to come in at 7+ while I was dressing up myself.
A very hectic night for me. I don even have the chance to eat my buffet or BBQ for I was busy walking around, entertaining my friends and relatives. Im contented because I have a very good family. I had always know they dote on me alot. But especially on this day (15 sept 07), I felt even more loved by them through their actions. Family who did the most stuffs and work non-stop were my dad, ah boon, ah yi, Lester kor. My dad and ah boon were busy BBQing the food for my guest. Ah yi and kor busy with clearing the rubbish and doing PR to my guest. They make sure every of my guests were well-served and so on. I really owe them a big treat. Not forgetting the 3 maids too!
The people who came to my PINK party
After which, he said my real present is in his lappy bag; asked me to find it myself. And dada, I found this.

He sure have spend a bomb on it but its a beauty isnt it?
15 September
I couldnt slept well hence I woke up at 9+am despite sleeping late.
Went out to rescue my roses as they keep falling off. Housekeeper came; to see if we need her to tidy the plc for us and she told us that we have a very nice deco =)
My family came start came in at 3plus. Together we prepared for the BBQ, set up the table and so on. Dad bought alot of food for BBQ. Roughly at 5 plus, a lady came with a bouquet of roses for me. I was kinda surprised as I had never expected to receive it.
The 4 different colour roses!

Took a look at the card, it was from WJ. A pleasant surprise and it brightens up my day for I was starting to feel worn-out due to all the preparations.
Buffet arrived at 6 plus. I was kinda worried because most of my family and friends have not come. Am afraid that no one will come. Haaa! The crowd starts to come in at 7+ while I was dressing up myself.
A very hectic night for me. I don even have the chance to eat my buffet or BBQ for I was busy walking around, entertaining my friends and relatives. Im contented because I have a very good family. I had always know they dote on me alot. But especially on this day (15 sept 07), I felt even more loved by them through their actions. Family who did the most stuffs and work non-stop were my dad, ah boon, ah yi, Lester kor. My dad and ah boon were busy BBQing the food for my guest. Ah yi and kor busy with clearing the rubbish and doing PR to my guest. They make sure every of my guests were well-served and so on. I really owe them a big treat. Not forgetting the 3 maids too!
The people who came to my PINK party
The brithday Girl
My present :)
My 21st Tiara bday cake.

Thou its was small for a 3.5kg cake and its kinda pricey ($200) but still I love my 2 tier tiara cake.
It was so easy to recognise my chalet for it was so PINKY. Its good having a theme as I can easily identify my friends. Appreciate all my friends and family because most of them make the effort to turn up in PINK =)
Without a doubt, Im the most fortunately gal in the world as on my 21st bday, I have all my family members and most of friends to celebrate it together for me.
Thanks to my mum who sponsor me for my buffet
Thanks to my dad who sponsor me for my BBQ, misc stuffs and helping out
Thanks to Ah ma for my curry, bee hoon and so on
Thanks to Ah boon who sponsor me for the misc stuffs and helping out
Thanks to Ah yi, Kor, Joanna sis for helping out
Thanks to WJ for being my photographer and PR to my friends for the night
Not forgetting my part-time Maria, Ms Angela too! She helps me to entertain my fren amd clean up.
To all my friends and family who make the effort to come my party at NSRCC on 15 September: Thank you guys & gals! And I love all the present that I had received.
Once again, a big THANKS to my family and friends who help out and make the effort to come down.
I received alot of presents and Ang baos for my 21st bday =)
She have a fabulous 21st bday celebration! The BEST & SWEETEST pink memories; Im ELATED :)
14 September 2007
Present & Nightout with my Pri sch mates!
Too much! WJ went out w/o telling me. Still dare to complain that I didnt inform him at times :P He said he is out to make my bday surprise. Wondering what type of surprise will he give me.
My present colleagues wont be attending my bday party cos they said e location is kinda far. Before work end, Christy pass me a present :)
A bikini!

I had long wanted a new bikini and its in PINK... wahahah!! Match my theme sia. Maybe I can use this to forfeit ppl who didnt wear PINK to my party. Lol... =)
Went over to TBP for my PINK mani & pedi with Ah yi. After which, we head to Grand Copthorne for e buffet dinner. I don really like the food there for I felt that there is limited variety but Ah yi they all don agree with me. Perhaps its bcos I don take clam stuffs. Didnt took any photos today as I forgotten to bring my cam out -_-"
After my filling dinner, I meet up with my gals! They took cab to Grand and tompang me. They are Gals who I love dearly, Gals whom I have known when I was less than 10yr old, Gals who is close to me, to my heart even thou we seldom meet up. The gals are Abbey, Jing & Xin...! Its been ages since the 4 of us went out TOGETHER! Normally we will be short of 1 gal. Machiam playing MJ sia =)
My present colleagues wont be attending my bday party cos they said e location is kinda far. Before work end, Christy pass me a present :)
A bikini!

I had long wanted a new bikini and its in PINK... wahahah!! Match my theme sia. Maybe I can use this to forfeit ppl who didnt wear PINK to my party. Lol... =)
Went over to TBP for my PINK mani & pedi with Ah yi. After which, we head to Grand Copthorne for e buffet dinner. I don really like the food there for I felt that there is limited variety but Ah yi they all don agree with me. Perhaps its bcos I don take clam stuffs. Didnt took any photos today as I forgotten to bring my cam out -_-"
After my filling dinner, I meet up with my gals! They took cab to Grand and tompang me. They are Gals who I love dearly, Gals whom I have known when I was less than 10yr old, Gals who is close to me, to my heart even thou we seldom meet up. The gals are Abbey, Jing & Xin...! Its been ages since the 4 of us went out TOGETHER! Normally we will be short of 1 gal. Machiam playing MJ sia =)
3 women = 1 market
4 women = Chaos
We went over to Dempsy once again. Wine Network will be our next fav hangout!
The 3 sweetie pies of mine gave me a AngBao and a lovely cake. They are really FULL-OF-IDEAS! Instead of using 2 big 1 small candles, they use 21 small candles! So the cake was like WOW!
The 3 sweetie pies of mine gave me a AngBao and a lovely cake. They are really FULL-OF-IDEAS! Instead of using 2 big 1 small candles, they use 21 small candles! So the cake was like WOW!
Bebe & Me
Jing & Xin
The AngBao given by them! *Touch*

Felt abit disappointed as they wont be able to come for my party but no worries, I understand as the location is indeed far. Thanks still, for celebrating me in adv together... But if you all suddenly have a change of mind and wanna come, just give me a call ok? My chalet door will definitely be open. Haa!
Thanks gals! I appreciate all the things that you all have done for me today! From the bottom of my heart, I cherish the memories we have, the time we spent, the sisterhood that we have and so many more! We shall meet out real soon again alright? And bebe, rmb our agreement ya. We shall save up now and the next Natas fair, we shall go check out the tours! Hopefully, we (Me, bebe, Jing) can make this lil wish come true but if wanna go with xin, we might have to wait yrs ltr... Haa.. *Save up save up SAVE UP*
After our drinks, WJ came to pick us up and send us home. He is smart la; managed to find this plc cos I didnt gave him clear instructions. I just told him the name of the plc. Upon reaching his plc, he said that there is an Angbao for me from his mum =)
The Angbao from his mum

Thanks Aunty!
Off to bed lor. Nitez! Tml still got a LONG day to go as I will be going down to my chalet. Im VERY HAPPY today! Elated; period =)
13 September 2007
11 September 2007
Eating at Sun with Moon & my 1st 21st bday present!
Meet up with Gladsy earlier on.
She gave me a bday treat at Sun with Moon Jap restaurant. Hmm... The price is quite affordable, cosy ambiance and most importantly they serve nice food.
An overview of the restaurant
We chat about e submission of my applications and her weddings stuffs. 1st time meeting out with her w/o bringing others. Haa! She wont be able to attend my bday party cos she will gg to Taiwan. *Envy* I also wanna go Taiwan! Had a long and good chat with her. After which, she gave me a bday present.
My 1st bday present ;)
She said I can use it as an necklance too. Cool ya?
Pop by ah boon house last night for my chalet discussion.
I just realise that there is so many more stuffs that I hasnt prepare or should I say what I have prepare is not enough.
Ah boon say rather have MORE than less.
For eg, I already have bought 5 cartons of packet drinks and 1 carton of coke.
Ah boon asked me to buy additional 5 more cartons of packet drinks and 3 carton of mineral water and so on.
I need to get more stuff. 4 more days to go.
I just realise that there is so many more stuffs that I hasnt prepare or should I say what I have prepare is not enough.
Ah boon say rather have MORE than less.
For eg, I already have bought 5 cartons of packet drinks and 1 carton of coke.
Ah boon asked me to buy additional 5 more cartons of packet drinks and 3 carton of mineral water and so on.
I need to get more stuff. 4 more days to go.
09 September 2007
Its a ball day on last Friday.
Golfing and bowling. My latest record for bowling... 137 points! =)
On sat, we went over to Yaofu's bday at Keat Hong. As we reach there at 6+ 7pm, we were SoOo early therefore WJ, Angela and Me went over to Keat Hong shopping centre. Saw that there was this acupuncture shop so we go in to try cos WJ wanna "fix" his ankle and me... Acupuncture slimming for my big tummy.. Haa!!!

Most of my pals are turning 21 this yr :)
That girl, Jenny… Refresh so many of my wonderful sec sch day incidents. Not only her, all my TWSS mates too, make me recall all those punishments that we suffered together, colour bras, Lao gao, splashing waster at each other when in the loo and most importantly, Mr Low. A teacher who has always been so nice to me thou he have given me alot of punishment too. Like drawing a circle on the floor and making me stand inside, constant PTM and so on.
Jolin & Angela

Jenny & KaiLin

From 13 to 21 yrs old.
8 yrs! That how LONG we have known one another! May every one be happy and successful!
After sending Angela & Eddy home, WJ and I went over to Thomson for e well-known Roti Prata. My 1st time there and it certainly tastes good!
That's me...

He laugh

He entertain

He frown..

Pls stop taking pics.. E flash is giving me a headache ;)
Golfing and bowling. My latest record for bowling... 137 points! =)
On sat, we went over to Yaofu's bday at Keat Hong. As we reach there at 6+ 7pm, we were SoOo early therefore WJ, Angela and Me went over to Keat Hong shopping centre. Saw that there was this acupuncture shop so we go in to try cos WJ wanna "fix" his ankle and me... Acupuncture slimming for my big tummy.. Haa!!!

Most of my pals are turning 21 this yr :)
That girl, Jenny… Refresh so many of my wonderful sec sch day incidents. Not only her, all my TWSS mates too, make me recall all those punishments that we suffered together, colour bras, Lao gao, splashing waster at each other when in the loo and most importantly, Mr Low. A teacher who has always been so nice to me thou he have given me alot of punishment too. Like drawing a circle on the floor and making me stand inside, constant PTM and so on.
Jolin & Angela

Jenny & KaiLin

From 13 to 21 yrs old.
8 yrs! That how LONG we have known one another! May every one be happy and successful!
After sending Angela & Eddy home, WJ and I went over to Thomson for e well-known Roti Prata. My 1st time there and it certainly tastes good!
That's me...

He laugh

He entertain

He frown..

Pls stop taking pics.. E flash is giving me a headache ;)
05 September 2007
Donuts from WJ
Im happy and contented. What more can I ask for?
When I already have the sweetest BF, WJ!
While sending me to my class, he heard me saying I miss donuts. Upon hearing this, he went ALONE to Donut Factory, Q up for me and presenting me with 2 dozen of it!

I appreciate for all the things that he have and going to do for me =)
Oh ya, a lil update abt myself... Currently am a PR of YMG! Lolz...
When I already have the sweetest BF, WJ!
While sending me to my class, he heard me saying I miss donuts. Upon hearing this, he went ALONE to Donut Factory, Q up for me and presenting me with 2 dozen of it!

I appreciate for all the things that he have and going to do for me =)
Oh ya, a lil update abt myself... Currently am a PR of YMG! Lolz...
04 September 2007
Saw LingYi at Concourse yesterday. She said Im different from the past. Well, I guess she is right. Im more demure now =)
Humans are constantly changing however memories stay on.
Had my dinner at Clementi Botak Jones with WJ.
We waited for 1/2 hour before having our dinner but I kinda like its Fish and chips!
I don voice out doesnt mean I dono anything. Im just trying to be accommodating.
Am looking forward to see Angela on this sat. I miss donuts! =)
Humans are constantly changing however memories stay on.
Had my dinner at Clementi Botak Jones with WJ.
We waited for 1/2 hour before having our dinner but I kinda like its Fish and chips!
I don voice out doesnt mean I dono anything. Im just trying to be accommodating.
Am looking forward to see Angela on this sat. I miss donuts! =)
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