a way of holding onto the things you love, the way you are, the things you never want to lose.
26 April 2007
I flunk my M9
I msg Sean, Esther, Jessie telling them the result. They all told me try again thou they didn't blame me but I feel guilty.
There will be a chance in the syllabus so I must wait for the new book to be release before I can rebook my test date again. I have to go for the tutorial all over again.
Sean is willing to coach me but I am a slow learner. I am afraid that I will cause him to vomits blood if he really teach me with the ILP and the rest.
Arhh!!! I wish to pass!
Went for my BW and change my hairstyle again. Every time when I visit a hair salon, I will go bankrupt!
My hair treatment, colour and so on, will never be less then $350 -_-"
Next week will be my last week at Shinmei and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. May everything go smoothly for me! =)
A brand new me
25 April 2007
24 April 2007
8 adult and 3 kids depart to Xiamen on 18th April.
Rating for Silkair crew: 6 out of 10. Their service wasn’t as fantastic.
The only difference between them and budget airline: They serve meals onboard.
Days spent in Xiamen were fun!
Food, shopping, massage was cheap! Much more cheaper then BKK but the stuffs there don really suit me or maybe bcos I don have much time to shop too.
I love the weather there.
We went to the village (Fujian). The place where my grandfather was born.
His elder brother was still staying there.
It wasn’t as bad as wad I thought. Their place was spacious and newly renovate.
Ofcos within the village, there are still a lot of houses which are old and “broken”?
The ppl at the village were nice, honest and humble unlike those in the city who were rude. But they have some things in common. Almost every guys smoke and they spit everywhere so gotta be very careful when walking. Haa!
Only ah ma and ah gong stayed at the village. As for us, we stayed in the hotel though the traveling time to the village was 1 hr long!
We played with firecracker, firework and a lot of stuffs. These are things that we cant nv experience in SG.
The food don really suits my likings hence I had KFC for 3 days. Their chicken and egg tarts were delicious! =)
Day 1

MY ah gong and ah ma

Ah ma

Ah gong & Me

Ah yi

Me @ the village

Megan & HaoHao

Lester kor

Joanna jie (My uncle wife) and ah yi

Day 2

Lighting the firecracker

Running away from it! Im scare =)

My gugu!

He is peeling the sugarcane for me!

Day 3

Ah boon, Ah yi & Kor

Me and Ah boon


My darling boy!

Day 4

17 April 2007
Im happy, happy, HAPPY!
- I get to remodule w/o paying any cents for it. Thanks to Alvin's influential email.
- On Friday night, I have my own personal bowling ball and it is in greenish-blue colour. A gift from Kev.
- Today, 17th April 2007
I had gotten my license on my virgin try!
Share my joy with me! :)
Before and during my TP test, I was freaking tense. I felt that I will fail :P
My tester was Chong. He has a benevolent looks.
I gotten test route 6. It is from BBDC - TW lane - TW - BBDC.
Actually, there should be slope included but when we was out on the road, he say let have a change of road route. He shortens my test route hence it was quite an easy task. Just normal driving.
In the circuit, he didn't test me on E.brake. He passed me but he told me: You MUST remember to check your blind spot! Lolz!
When I knew I pass, I was SO HAPPY!
Thanks for all the well-wishing, peers! =)
The tutorial lesson for M9 was interesting but there are a lot of stuffs to remember and its kinda confusing as there is a lot of differ terms. Im glad that I have Esther for companion. She was like my personal tutor. Explaining stuffs that I don understand once and again. Thanks to Esther for accompanying me thru the lesson. The only thing that I don enjoy is the location. Tampines ley. It is so faraway from my plc.
Some of the pics that I took last weekend
Yippee! Xiamen, Im coming in another 16 hrs =)
13 April 2007
Right now, he is in Taiwan and coming back soon.
He said he will buy things for me but will he? Haa. Wondering what nice stuffs he will get for me if he really did buy.
Qiang is also coming back on Sun.
Woo... I will have lots of present. I love presents. =)
After work, met Fion for Sushi. We had some conversation thus causing my decision to be slightly shaken.
She said since I will be getting my Dip in times to come. Why should I go get my O. what I should do next is to pursue my degree. I agreed with wad she has said but I felt that it is a must to have O. Any advice?
Gotten back my Econ subpaper. Sux men! I fluck it again. Asked Alvin to write a complain letter to the school! Im not gg to waste another $300+ for the module, which I think I did well.
Ms Angela has passed her TP this time. Congrats ya!
4 more days to my TP. Im really ANXIOUS!
12 April 2007
Finally gotten my M9 book from Sean & Esther ytd nite after my class.
M9 is about life insurance and investment-linked policies.
I managed to give Sean a scare as I came from the multi-storey carpark instead of the roundabout. Esther told me, during daytime she has also scared Sean. Haa..
During the AIA mini-seminal, Sean told me that the test will be rather easy and the book wasn't thick.
BUT when I saw the book last nite I got those fainted feelings and to make it worse, Sean told me after checking out with his colleagues, he realise that only 30% of the candidate pass at 1st attempt.
Just this book alone, it has about 400+ pages! How am I gg to read finish the book in 8 days (excluding my holidays)
Esther says she passed all at 1st attempt. I guess it goes the same for Sean. They are insurance guru. Lolz.
Esther will be accompanying me for the tutorial. She say that it will be easier for me cos if I have any queries, I can ask her straight. Luckily for me, there is Sean & Esther who is willing to coach me. I guess I have to thanks Alvin for it. I really owe them a big meal!
Maybe treat them eat Coca. I guess they like it.
Althou a lot of ppl has been telling me, it is not easy being an insurance agent. But they will not be able to affect my decision. I lead my life. I wan to make sure I tries ev things that I wants so that when Im old, I will not regret!
After that, met up with the busy gal, Ms Chen MeiXin. We haven't seen each other for quite some times. She is occupied with all her filming and preparation of her album, that is soon to be release. When her album is release, pls SUPPORT her ya!
As per usual, we will meet at the traffic lights and I will always force her to run across the road by shouting over to her "HURRY UP!" =)
Xin came over my plc to watch TV, chitchat and drink. That crazy gal brought a few bttl of beers over to my plc. Lolz.
We used to have 4. Which include Ms Abbey Ong but her timing oso clashed with ours. Hence we sort of drifted apart :(
Xin and me both agreed that we miss those days whereby the 3 of us (Jing, Xin & Me) were constantly having pizzas at my plc. Haa. I guess Jing, you are also missing those days right?!
We will have a gathering soon ok? A timing that will suits the 3 of us.
Thou we may not be meeting up frequently BUT im sure we all know that we have one another in our heart and who to find when we wanna share our woes =)
Wow! I was counting the number of yrs we knew each other and I realise we had knew each other for 12 yrs+ and OfcOs the yr of our friendship are still counting on!
That day was talking to Vince den he say he wanted Xin's autograph. I guess he was joking only but I intend to make fun of him so I ask xin to sign for me. But she scolded me "siao"
Dono them ar. But my crazy bitches (Jing and Xin) like to date me out on weekdays nite hence the next day I will feel very lethargic when Im working whereby they are still slping soundly on theirs bed. HMPH! So I told her, next time if weekday nite wanna ask me out, you had better be prepared to send me to work the next day. Lolz!
Xin left my plc at 2 plus. I told her, 明天你最好来送我去做工因为你害我不能早睡! =P She said if she can wake up, she will.
Even thou she knows I was joking with her, this lil sweetie lovely gal indeed woke up at 630 to pick me up. I felt SO touched by her actions. Without a doubt, she is 1 of my BEST friends/sister!
Today is the 1st time, I am ferry by her. We went for our breakfast at Bt Merah before she sends me to work.
A happy day to start of with. Thanks dearie for brightens up my day!
6 more days to go for my TP
11 April 2007
Im glad I know them (my colleague in Shinmei). During these 2 yrs plus, they taught me a lot of stuffs. Be it in work wise or my life. At least, I know... Even after I had left this co. we will still be in contact as they said: we can still come out on weekend.
My boss has finally accepted my resignation letter.
My official leaving date will be on 9th May.
My new start date of the co. will be on 11th May.
I guess once you are an working personnel, you cant afford to take a long break unless u are loaded.
Im starting to ponder over my decision to leave. Im starting to feel fear.
Will I survive out there? Will I get used to the new environment. How will my new colleagues be like? Im having a lot of ??? in my brain now.
The reality of this world is horrifying at times.
No one will remain the same forever. I have to constantly upgrade/change myself in order to follow the world. I cant be that easily contented anymore BUT I just wish to remain as myself. I just want a simple life. To be really carefree, to be really happy.
If only I could turn back time... If only I could, wouldn’t that be fantastic?
09 April 2007
My weekend was enjoyable. I guess my new hobby is bowling.
For a beginner, I guess I was quite good. My highest score 129.
But also cannot keep going to bowl as it is an expensive sports.
Lately I felt that I am not in a pink of health. My head is constantly aching. Am I overstressing myself? I hope I am not.
Too much things for me to think. People may think that Im happy-go-lucky & young hence I will not have that much stuff to worry about but they might be wrong.
Im damn forgetful! Missed the payment date for "O". Wrote an email to the person in charge. His reply was they would contact me within 2 weeks to inform me where can I make the payment.
To: My dear friend whom has just broken up with his gf days ago. Don be upset alright? Its good that both of you are able to remain as friends. Not to worry. Take your time to choose your next gf. You are still young. Now that you are single, you can date me out again! =)
Took time off today. Went for 2 interview. The 1st interview is at the recuirment agency (JanDec @ Tong Eng Building), the other is at Republic Plaza (Itochu). Itochu is intro by JanDec.
The blury me, missed my way twice. Lucky, there was kind-hearted ppl who direct me the way.
Itochu is an MNC.
The pay wasn't as fantastic as compared to the one in Tuas. Shortage of few hundred dollars but still higher then what Im drawing now.
The company wants someone with L/C and SAP knowledge but both I oso donno but I did told them that Im willing to learn. They said the avg employee work abt 50hr OT per month (2 hr plus per day) but ofcos with OT paid. They said they would inform me again if Im short-listed.
Teresa (from JanDec) called me at 2+. I was astonished when she said the co. is interested in hiring me even thou I did not meet their requirement. But if I go, I will miss my colleague here. They are real nice to me but then Im tired of the office politics here and I want a job that is near to my place.
The co. want me to start work at 9 May and they told Teresa that they will groom me if I can work in their co. for 3 yrs.
Im still deciding whether to take up this offer.
Countdown... 8 more days to my TP =)
03 April 2007
Book gotten
It is going to be exam period once again -_-"
Gg for my medi and pedi after work as a form of stress easing =)
02 April 2007
If someone asked you some qns and obviously out of goodwill, you will make enquiry on that person's behalf isn't it?
After knowing the ans, definitely you will want to tell the person. But what if the person is unhappy with the ans given?
My conclusion:
Blame it on urself for being such a KPO.
But if that the case, for f*ck, should the person come to me when he/she wont accept the ans given by me?
I helps becos I cares for them. I don get paid by them for helping and do I look like I have nth better to do? I can jolly well spend my time doing MY stuffs rather then doing things that is unrelated to me. I too have my fair share of troubles and did I ever bother them before? Or should I say where the hell they are when I need them?
Yes, I too have my demerits but when people help me to do things, even if I am not happy with the ans or the result (Yes, I may have flare up) but still I will tell them "Thanks"
I came to realise... Some time being nice to people isn’t worthy at all. People take things for granted and probability they might have the mindset that you are out to prove them wrong. Layman term... 好心没好报.
Sometime, certain things I know about it. Just that I don wish to disclose it. For it will not benefits anyone. But pls don take me as "gong kia" can?
I HATE hypocrite
F*ck it!