In a freaking bad BAD mood!
Things havent been gg smoothly for me these past few days. Be it studies, work or life.
My job... I do enjoy wking there as my colleagues dotes on me and we are like one big family but recently the store man is getting more and more overboard. My colleagues and I are kinda irritated by his behavior. He thinks that he is the boss; wanting us to follow his requirements. My boss asked me to ask him along as we are gg to have a company outing this Friday. Our conversation:
Me: Do U have any activities on this Friday? We are having an outing to MOS. Do U wanna join us?
Him: No, I don wanna join.
He turns his back and walked away. I walked up to him and asked him again.
Me: Are U sure U don wanna join us? Eric and Boss will be gg too
Him: (Attitude) No, I don wanna join
He turns his back and walked off again.
Damn it! I don owe him anything ley.
My studies... Feel so disappointed in myself. Flunk my accounts and today I gotten back my FIT result, I flunk it too. I donno wad shld I do now. How am I gg to study for this 2 paper again and for this term, Im tking OB and Econs. Its so DIFFICULT!
My life... I donno what I really wants in my life, what I wanna achieve eventually. Each day I seem to be like living my life meaninglessly and my life seems to be in a real mess. Sigh! Im gg nuts. Hopefully I will feel better tml :)
After work, Aaron fetches me to Suntec for my facial appt even thou we arent gg the same way. So nice of him BUT he say that at the end of the month, he will make petrol claims to me -_-"
My beautician says that my pimples are getting more. Guess it bcos I change my facial products and I have been feeling quite stress up recently.
I think on top of my forehand wrotes: Easy Target. Yesterday when I went out with Cindy and my total donation to those charity organization: $18. Earlier on when I was waiting for bus to go home after my facial, a Indian man walked up to me. He said: I lost my wallet. Can u spare me few dollars to take MRT home? I do not have any small change so I gave him $5. I blive him cos he look quite decent. I know it might not be a lot and it is good to help others but if I donate like this everyday, I will go bankrupt.
Oh ya, I'd uploaded my parking video at my previous entry but need to wait for quite some time before the video will play. Rmb to on yr volume and hear my colleagues conversation ;P
Off to bed...