a way of holding onto the things you love, the way you are, the things you never want to lose.
13 May 2013
Sometimes we are only given few mins to be with the one we love, and thousand hours to spend thinking of them
I stopped blogging since Aug'12.
A lot of things happened BUT Im glad things are turning out perfectly now :) I shall be back to blogging soon. Will update more when Im free :)
A lil updates incase I forgotten, Im back into the working society again althou life have been much busier but Im much happier. Met a lot of people during this period. Someone make all these things happens, woke me up. Im glad to meet this person who changes my life again..
05 August 2012
You must be willing to protect yourself and what you cherish, no matterwhat the cost
Butter factory with BFFs on Friday night. Beforehand we were having our 八三妇女节 celebration at P.S cafe. The first time I was there! We make it a point to celebrate this day together and I'm glad to find these few crazy biatch in my life, without them, I wouldnt have so much fun. They are the best things that have ever happened bcos good friends will never leave your side.
My besties who will be getting marry in another mth time!
I saw him again yesterday
We then headed over to chimjes to look for daddy and Yongfa. 我以为我会很想很快的回去那里当 ah Liang 叫我。而且 Ben was there too. 但我没有。我想我已经开始放开了一些。我还是会想他但这个事我不会再提起。
最残的是, Angela 还对我说: 为什么过了这么久你们还很象很尴尬但是我还是觉得你们比较配。她还说如果那事你们再在一起可能都会结婚了吧 -_-"
PY have never met Daddy they all before and yesterday was the first time. The moment she saw daddy, she said: He resemble him alot leh, I guess its bcos they are about the same size ba and she called him e wrong name. 幸好他们的音挺像的.
I'm thankful that i didnt head over bcos most of the time if he's around, I'll drink a lot. Lol!
Daddy knew something was wrong with us. The way we drink and talk thus he told me 如果有一天你又单身我会和你断绝父女关系再追回你。But I told him, 反而有时候做朋友会比做情人开心多不要破坏我们的友情!他说,但是如果我是你男朋友我会挺担心以为无时无刻都会有很多人追求你 but I told him, 我已经不是以前的我,不会那么爱玩和任性了,我长大了! After speaking with him for awhile, I realised that maybe sometime it's me who didn't give my partner that kind of assurance that they need in e past.
Our group photo:
The stupid gfs of mine, played idiotic games while we were drinking. When we were at Dolly with Liang, we played winner get to shoot loser ear. And when we were at Doll house, they played truth and dare! Old school game! Py kana dare to dance on the stage with e dancers! Lol.. It was a fun night lah and been ages since we had a girls clubbing sessions. I reckon that there will be more to come! 不想去想也不想再提,日子还是要好好地过!
Oppz! Did I forgotten to mention that I happened to see Ray twice this year? I'm glad to meet him and I'm happy for him that he's married with two kids now!
Can't wait for bee bachorlette night!
21 July 2012
Missing someone is a way your heart's reminding you that you loved them
Yes, Im going to Aaron Kwok's concert on 8 Sept =)
I jio-ed Liang to go with me since he like him too.
Everything was planned and booked but last min, Liang cant go as he will be post overseas soon.
Soon, I'll lose a friend whom I can talk with. Haiz..
But since going overseas to work will benefit him much more than staying in SG, I wish him the best, just hope that our friendship wont fade away so easily.
27 June 2012
You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump
Happy birthday 2012!
快要五年了, lil angel!
24 June 2012
In the end we only regret: the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, the decisions we took too long to make
Saw this on melvin's hp when we were MJ-ing yesterday.. Found it so true!
3 simple rules in life
1. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never get it.
2. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
3. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.
I did go after, I did ask but eventually rejected.
22 June 2012
Im going to smile and make you think Im happy. Im gg to laugh, so you dont see me cry anymore. Im going to forget you even if its tearing me apart
29 May 2012
I don hate u, i never will. I just act like I do, cos its easier than admitting that I miss u
Many a time, I wish to drop u a sms to ask about you but I choose not to. I also choose not to ask about you in front of others. Although its hard to do but its mine, its our choice.. We both choose for things to be in this way. We'll be happier in this way, I guess... In our own denial, in our own lies..
17 May 2012
Its not hard to find someone who tells you that they love you, but its hard to find someone who actually means it
Wish that I am the one by yr side, wish that I am the one accompaying you.
Time seems to bypass so fast! Soon its coming to the mid of 2012, what have I been doing throughout this period?
I didnt realise but someone said to me recently: 现在的你好像变了很多,比较安静比较没有这么... 以前的你好像比较开心比较多话讲。
Although I denied, but I think I changed. Isit for the better or the worse?
I used to blog daily, weekly even thou I had a job but now? I also donno, I seems to have so many free time yet I cut down on blogging. Funny isnt it?
Yippee, counting down to my holiday! I bet its going to be FUN =)

29 April 2012
No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you
Met up with Michie and her mum yesterday at Ion. It have been ages since I last catch up with them.
Had a great time out with them.
We went for some fortune telling at Chinatown and I had my reading done as well but I was pretty shocked with my result.
The fortune teller said, are you married?
Me: No, not yet but Im attached
Thereafter he said.. Soon you will be. I asked imm, your soon is how soon. He said maybe in a year or two. My reaction then was, WTH, are you sure? *Dumbstruck*
Although I do wanna get marry but I wasnt feeling exactly happy when I heard him saying so. Maybe there was still so many things I haven do before, maybe because some things shouldnt be rush into as we are still new in the rs, but if something is meant to happened, it will. Well, lets just wait and see how things develop ba.. Till den...
Well, he said that ron and I are compatible, he said 我旺他 which is rather good isnt it? =)
I ask about him but even the teller said, 都过了这么久了 but this isnt wad I wanna hear but maybe its fate lah, even he said so..
Michie was asking, if your BF proposed to you during your trip, what will you do?
I told her impossible cos although Ron did mentioned about marriage thingy but its not the right time yet so I don think he will do it during our trip.
Will you be happy after knowing/hearing this? Will you be happy or sad?
14 April 2012
Its not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it
Decided to go for a catch up session with Jiayi yesterday. Meet up at Reddot.. That 傻大姐, again let the cabby drop her somewhere inside Dempsey, and she walked down herself to our meet up place -_-" luckily our meeting was at 630pm, if not I have no ideas how she's gonna make her way down.
Can't imagine of the people who I run into even thou I was at Dempsey, such a ulu place..
Firstly, I met Fion.. She was at Long beach having dinner first, I guess she saw I check in FB, thus she jio her friends to chill there as well..
Thereafter I saw him.. At e very beginning I tot Liang was faking me cos i cracked
a joke on him awhile earlier.. Den suddenly Liang said "他讲他也在 Dempsey "
5 secs later "他讲他在 Reddot"
My reaction was, you think I'm so stupid to fall into yr tricks mah.. The next thing I saw was Liang pointing to him. I was like damnit! 有这么巧吗? I know it does not implement anything but at e same time I do think 难道这算是有缘吗?
He was there with his batch of Coll. From far, I could see that he's happy, enjoying himself in theirs companion. 这样也已经够好了. Some part in me, I do feel abit uneasy, especially when e moment Liang said 也只有一位配得了他了, maybe I also had a hunch that they both had likings towards one another even thou they wasn't seated side by side.
He look so different compared to the past, I guess thats what people say by "growing up". I still prefer e old him. Maybe he is still him to his friends, his coll, his family, but he is never the old him to me again :( I guess I hurted him way too much by breaking so many promises, I do hope he can forgive me but its an impossible thingy.
After awhile, we left.. I bypass theirs table, only bided a bye n didn't said anything else. Somehow I wish I/he could have e courage to 问候彼此. I totally don like the way we are now but theres' nothing I could do, nothing I could change.
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